UNH Composites

  • Last updated 11/28/2021


    • So of the composites “we think” were in the house when the house closed (1982-1996) their updates are below.


    82            Framed by Brother Greg Chavez,In John Davis's possession at this time.

    83            New Frame, In Kevin Maguire's possession at this time.

    84            Found! - BrianG had it reframed for us and it is now in John Davis's                                 Possession.

    85            New Frame October 2021 - In Ron Majer’s possession at this time.

    85            New Frame, In John Davis's possession at this time.

    86            Missing, But I have a pix on a small one of it on the website

    87            New Frame, In John Davis's possession at this time.

    88            New Frame, In John Davis’s possession at this time.

    89            No frame and in rough shape (It is missing a lot of individual pictures)

                      -Sent to Michaels to be framed on 11/27/21

    90             New Frame, In John Davis’s possession at this time.

    91             New Frame, In John Davis’s possession at this time.

    92-95        Missing

    96             Framed by Brother Greg Chavez, In John Davis's possession at this time.

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